Friday 16 December 2011

Design 5

My fifth design, arguably the most simple, is my favourite.

As you can see the poster is very minimal. It features simply a bottle of Skol with a glow around it. When I showed this to a few people their feedback was very encouraging. A lot liked the fact there was not much on there because all the focus was on the brand. It also quick and easy to view meaning it doesn't take much attention to absorb it.
I am most proud however of the concept for it. The idea is that the poster has a smartphone barcode (or number code for people without this access) to collect. Users can then go to the Skol app or website and redeem them for a voucher which grants access to extra bonus levels on the Skol game that my other group member has created. Hopefully this encourages people to look out for the posters and also get their friends involved.

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