Wednesday 28 December 2011

Final Designs

My final designs come from design 5. After creating the initial concept I went away and developed the idea further.

As you can see I have created a series of 6 different posters. After speaking to other members in my group it was decided that 6 was a good number as it was challenging enough to make collecting them entertaining and yet not too high for it to be a tedious task.
I have made the background colours bright and easily distinguishable to attract attention and so that it is clear for collectors to notice a "new" colour they don't have.

Friday 16 December 2011

Design 5

My fifth design, arguably the most simple, is my favourite.

As you can see the poster is very minimal. It features simply a bottle of Skol with a glow around it. When I showed this to a few people their feedback was very encouraging. A lot liked the fact there was not much on there because all the focus was on the brand. It also quick and easy to view meaning it doesn't take much attention to absorb it.
I am most proud however of the concept for it. The idea is that the poster has a smartphone barcode (or number code for people without this access) to collect. Users can then go to the Skol app or website and redeem them for a voucher which grants access to extra bonus levels on the Skol game that my other group member has created. Hopefully this encourages people to look out for the posters and also get their friends involved.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Design 4

After looking at previous posters and adverts done by Skol I noticed that the majority used humour to gain their audience's attention. Therefore I decided to create a poster that would keep to Skol's humorous theme.

As well as being entertaining I also tried to sell an image. The tagline "Be the man you want to be" has been designed to imply that men who drink Skol are confident and exciting people.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Design 1: Re-draft

After creating my initial designs I took them to a selection of my target audience to gain their opinions. This provided me with a number of improvements that I could make:
  • The general feedback that the colours needed re-thinking. The previous sky was too bright and blue. I decided to go for something more dramatic with more contrast than saturation.
  • Secondly the title has been improved. I shrunk it down and pulled the font in thinner. It has also been moved so that the statue's head doesn't cover it up as much.
  • I then opted for the "The Taste of Brazil" tagline. My feedback told me that this was more popular and that it sold a better image of the beer.
  • The beer in the hand has been re-scaled so it matches the size of the statue better. It has also been moved down so that the logo on the bottle is clearly visible.
  • Finally I have also added a drink aware website link at the bottom as I noticed other alcohol company's had done this on their posters.

Monday 21 November 2011

Designs 2 & 3

After doing some research online I found this advert that Skol created. Although in a foreign language it clearly emphasises the point that lager is a light beer. This inspired my next poster.

These are the two new concepts I have created both based on the same design. The one on the left is in real image, whereas I have applied a cut-out filter to the right one. This was to emphasise the colours and to also make it look better edited in terms of lighting and shadows that should be on the bottle.

I searched for a font that was appropriate for my ad. I wanted something that would symbolise a feeling of lightness and innocence without even really needing to read it. I decided upon this one called Blackjack which I got from It's style looks calm and relaxed and so fits in with our product's image. I also decided that I would not capital letters on the posters. This was because it looked to harsh on the page and dragged unnecessary attention away from the product.

Monday 14 November 2011

Design 1

I have started to begin Photoshopping my hand drawn designs onto the computer. Below is the first concept I have created.

As you can see this is my Christ the Redeemer poster. I have done two different versions, the only difference being the tagline. I have edited the photograph by adding in the Skol lager into the statue's hand and curling his finger's around the bottle. I have also given him a smile to create a more positive message.

I may further develop these and include extra information. I am also still unsure of the colours of whether or not the red and vibrant blue are too striking. I am going to show the posters to some test users to get extra opinions.

Monday 7 November 2011

Design Idea 4

My final idea is perhaps the most controversial. However my research showed me that shock advertising can be the most powerful. I have tried to create a shock factor without stepping too far over the line. By challenging the taboo it will hopefully get people talking about the ad, therefore increasing the awareness of our product.

The poster is of the famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio De Janerio. I have also compared the beer to wine. This was for two reasons, firstly: it obviously relates to Christ and the last supper but also its a light drink similar to wine. This is designed to change people's mind sets about light beer. Instead of seeing it as "sissy" lager, people will view it as more of a casual drink. The slogan suggests that the lager is saviour from wine and simply gives them another choice of a light, social alcoholic drink.

My inspiration for creating a controversial ad comes from the reasonably recent Foster's poster. This was criticised for being sexist as it was originally a man holding the beer. However after complaints Foster's changed the model to a female.