Monday 21 November 2011

Designs 2 & 3

After doing some research online I found this advert that Skol created. Although in a foreign language it clearly emphasises the point that lager is a light beer. This inspired my next poster.

These are the two new concepts I have created both based on the same design. The one on the left is in real image, whereas I have applied a cut-out filter to the right one. This was to emphasise the colours and to also make it look better edited in terms of lighting and shadows that should be on the bottle.

I searched for a font that was appropriate for my ad. I wanted something that would symbolise a feeling of lightness and innocence without even really needing to read it. I decided upon this one called Blackjack which I got from It's style looks calm and relaxed and so fits in with our product's image. I also decided that I would not capital letters on the posters. This was because it looked to harsh on the page and dragged unnecessary attention away from the product.

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