Monday 7 November 2011

Design Idea 4

My final idea is perhaps the most controversial. However my research showed me that shock advertising can be the most powerful. I have tried to create a shock factor without stepping too far over the line. By challenging the taboo it will hopefully get people talking about the ad, therefore increasing the awareness of our product.

The poster is of the famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio De Janerio. I have also compared the beer to wine. This was for two reasons, firstly: it obviously relates to Christ and the last supper but also its a light drink similar to wine. This is designed to change people's mind sets about light beer. Instead of seeing it as "sissy" lager, people will view it as more of a casual drink. The slogan suggests that the lager is saviour from wine and simply gives them another choice of a light, social alcoholic drink.

My inspiration for creating a controversial ad comes from the reasonably recent Foster's poster. This was criticised for being sexist as it was originally a man holding the beer. However after complaints Foster's changed the model to a female.

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