Wednesday 30 November 2011

Design 1: Re-draft

After creating my initial designs I took them to a selection of my target audience to gain their opinions. This provided me with a number of improvements that I could make:
  • The general feedback that the colours needed re-thinking. The previous sky was too bright and blue. I decided to go for something more dramatic with more contrast than saturation.
  • Secondly the title has been improved. I shrunk it down and pulled the font in thinner. It has also been moved so that the statue's head doesn't cover it up as much.
  • I then opted for the "The Taste of Brazil" tagline. My feedback told me that this was more popular and that it sold a better image of the beer.
  • The beer in the hand has been re-scaled so it matches the size of the statue better. It has also been moved down so that the logo on the bottle is clearly visible.
  • Finally I have also added a drink aware website link at the bottom as I noticed other alcohol company's had done this on their posters.

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