Wednesday 12 October 2011

PowerPoint on Photoshop - Self Reflection

For our group project we had to present a PowerPoint to the class on the subject of Photoshop.

Once the task had been set we arranged to meet up the very next day so that we could work out a number of things to make the project run as smooth and efficient as possible. These included: what strengths people had and how we could play to them effectively (e.g. one of the girl’s in our group was confident with the software and so made her own picture with diagrams and labels explaining how she’d done it,) what we were going to put in the slides/what we were going to leave out and finally who was going to research and present each specific area. Throughout the course of the week we kept in regular contact via texts and Facebook to monitor each other’s progress. This helped us all to keep track of where we should be and also to provide any ideas and feedback if a member was struggling.

The slides that each member of our group was given were based on their own personal strength and how enthusiastic they were about their area. Each member was given four days left to their own devices to create their slide and prepare their own speech. At our second meeting we ran through what everybody had prepared and gave constructive feedback on points we liked and others we thought that could be improved.

The only real issue we had was arranging to get everybody together at the same time. Due to everybody’s difference in timetables, commitments and people living at home it was quite difficult to get a day that suited everybody. However, luckily this didn’t hold us back too much as people who couldn’t make it promptly sent us their work via email and the rest of the group were able to add it into the PowerPoint.

My slide was about the controversy of Photoshop. For my research I firstly went to the internet. I looked through old news articles about debates regarding the software and found a variety of exciting and interesting information. Some forums also helped me to gage an idea of what people’s thoughts and opinions were on the subject and also provided me with an opportunity to see if they were talking about anything that I might’ve missed. After that I then looked through real life magazines, trying to find clues of pictures that looked like they had been editing. YouTube also provided me with an interesting insight into how the Photoshop editing process worked and how powerful it could be. One particular video was very informative and interesting and so I added it to my slide to spice up the PowerPoint.

I feel that our presentation could have been improved by more rehearsal. Although we matched the recommended time of between 5 – 10 minutes, ours was just 5 minutes and 30 seconds, so at the bottom of the target range. I think that if we’d been able to meet up once more we would have been able to have a good run through of each other’s script to edit and improve. I also think we could have made our PowerPoint more interactive. We did have an original idea were we going to put a number of images onto the screen and let people guess which ones had and hadn’t been edited. However once we begun, this idea didn’t fit with anybody’s topic and so was cast aside.

Overall I am satisfied with how our presentation went, although have learnt a number of things that I will apply next time to improve upon this first attempt.

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