Sunday 30 October 2011

Sun 30th Oct

Before Tuesday's lecture our group had chance to discuss our research and findings. I put forward my ideas for how we could market Skol and also explained my concerns regarding Brut. Fortunately my team members were of a very similar opinion to mine and were keen that Skol would be a good product for us to create an ad campaign for.

On the Friday (28th Oct) we organised a meeting to discuss our ideas in detail and how we could create our campaign together. Firstly we needed to find out and decide upon a target audience. Our studies unsurprisingly showed us that lager was most popular among males aged 18+. Although this information may of been obvious it meant that we could discuss the best mediums to advertise to them. We looked through a number of different male magazines and websites to get an idea of how brands already out there were catching the eye of their target audience.

We found that one of the most popular and increasing trends today is to create an app. Many brands have created little games for smart phones based around their product. We thought that if we could come up with a clever idea for a miniature game, it may be an effective way to advertise our product.

Our second idea was to create ad posters. A lot of male magazines included posters and it seems that they are still a popular way to advertise today, however the most effective ones were the ones that were eye catching and close to the line controversial. With a witty idea we could create an effective design.

Our final and third ad idea was to create a website. With the app that we are planning to include the website would make a nice addition to tie it all up. We also felt that this would be appropriate as many people may recognise the old brand name and be intrigued to find out if it was back. A website could provide them an opportunity to find out all about its re-branding and hopefully give us chance to persuade them to give our product another go.

In our group we decided that Bessam was going to be in charge of creating the app, Jack K's job would be to make the website and I am going to make the posters.

Above are the notes I have made from this meeting.

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