Tuesday 25 October 2011

Tuesday 25th Oct

Over the weekend I carried out some research into Skol and Brut to find out which one I thought would be better to create a marketing campaign for. I will discuss both of them and briefly explain my findings:

  • It was created in 1964
  • It's name is based around a Scandinavian toast (as in raising glasses) "skål."
  • It's mascot was Hager the Horrible - a large, manly looking viking.
  • It's now the most popular selling beer in Brazil
  • It is traditionally a light beer however its alcohol content has been increased
  • Green is its identifiable colour
  • The brand is most commonly advertised by famous sports people
  • It has become known as a cheap brand
  • It's sales have started to increase again and have almost tripled in the past five years according to the brut website
  • It's aimed at "real men"
From my research I am personally inclined to push forward the idea of going with Skol. This is because I think that we have a number of different paths we could take to advertise it. We could pay particular attention to the fact that it is most popular in Brazil and have a number of ads exploiting this. We could also advertise the fact that its a light beer. With the UK's current binge problem this might be a good route to take.

I am put off by Brut by the fact that its advertised at an old fashioned, stereotypical view of what a "real man" is. The Brut website conjures up images of out of style middle aged men who drown themselves in the cologne. I feel that in comparison to Skol there are not as many exciting routes to take to advertise it.

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