Monday 7 November 2011

First design idea

My first drawing is a copy of Skol's iconic mascot: Hager the Horrible.

He was used mainly in the 80's but hasn't been associated with the brand for some time. My idea was to maybe bring him back but in a more up to date way.
Today his image out of date. An overweight, stumpy character may imply the wrong message about drinking beer and may instead incur negative connotations in a world when men are much more conscious about their image than they were 30 years ago.
Being a light beer its also hard to take seriously when a big, manly viking is advertised as drinking it. It almost looks sarcastic and a bit of a joke.

My ideas would be to slim down the viking and make him more muscly so that he's got some qualities the 21st century man aspires to.

My idea of bringing back the old mascot takes inspiration from an ad campaign ran by Tetley's Tea. Recently they brought back their old mascots which appeared in their ads in the 90s. Hopefully people will remember them and they will perhaps bring back old customers.

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