Monday 7 November 2011

Design idea 3

This poster focuses on the beer's popularity in Brazil. I have tried to create an action packed and colourful poster in order to attract attention.

The poster is basically an ordinary English street, decorated in the style of a Rio De Janerio carnival. It will have carnival flags draping the street, eccentrically dressed Brazilian dancers and musicians as well as little trademarks related to the country, e.g. the Christ the Redeemer statue placed subtly in the background.

At the top I have also done some bottle designs. The original bottle is already brown but in the interest of design I had an attempt at recolouring it in green. I showed this to my group but together we decided the brown sums up the beer better. Brown evokes a feeling of heat and summertime. Perhaps suggesting a tan too. According to my research as well, brown bottles don't filter in as much light meaning that the beers stay fresher and hold flavour better, particularly in hot countries (i.e. Brazil.)

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